Illustration: The European Space Agency (ESA)

Space Track

The Space Track focuses on Earth observation techniques, mapping and navigation in the Arctic and the courses are offered by Aalto and DTU.

The track gives the graduates a profound understanding of how to use space as an environment for developing instruments to benefit people and society.

During the studies, the students have the possibility to participate in a course in Greenland and write Master thesis in collaboration with industry.


Special Knowledge on Exploration Techniques Used in the Polar Regions

Graduates from the Space Track will have acquired a thorough overview of technologies used for climate monitoring, mapping and navigation and will be able to:

  • Design, build and operate functional space and Earth observation systems.
  • Set up Earth observation research projects.
  • Conduct science and applied Earth monitoring with the research results.


Which Degree Will I Get?

The Cold Climate Engineering programme is a so-called double degree programme. When you finish the Nordic Master in Cold Climate Engineering you will receive a degree from both universities you have attended during your master’s programme.

You will receive a degree diploma with the progamme name: Nordic Master in Cold Climate Engineering with the following double degree title:

Aalto: Master of Science (Technology)
DTU: Master of Science in Earth and Space Physics and Engineering


Career Prospects

Graduates from the Space Track will have worked intensively with different kinds of technology used to explore the Earth and specially the Polar Region: the Arctic and Antarctica. This includes instrumentation, observation techniques, models, methods and surveillance systems.

Graduates from the Space Track are expected to find work in consulting companies working with surveying, remote sensing and mapping companies, high-tech companies and governmental bodies. Also large Earth observation and space research related organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), European Southern Observatory (ESO) or the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will need graduates from the Space Track.