
The Sea Track offers two main options: Start at Aalto or start at NTNU. There are several options for electives within the two main options.

Aalto’s main focus is on Arctic ships while NTNU’s main focus is Arctic offshore structures.

See the detailed course plans for the different options of the Sea Track below.


Option 1: Start at Aalto


Year 1: Aalto

Semester 1

Semester 2

Mandatory courses:

MEC-E4003 - Ice mechanics (5 ECTS)

MEC-E1050 - FEM in Solids (5 ECTS)

MEC-E4004 - Model Scale Testing in Ice (5 ECTS)

MEC-E1040 - Dynamics of Structures (5 ECTS)

MEC-E1010 - Dynamics of Rigid Body (5 ECTS)

MEC-E1020 - Fluid Dynamics (5 ECTS)

Mandatory courses: 

MEC-E4002 - Ice loads on Structures (5 ECTS)

MEC-E4006 - Ship Operations in Ice (5 ECTS)

MEC-E8001 - Finite Element Analysis (5 ECTS)

AAE-E2001- Computational Fluid Dynamics (5 ECTS)

Plus 3 elective courses (15 ECTS), for example:

MEC-E2007 - Ship Structures and Construction (5 ECTS)

MEC-E8003 - Beam, Plate and Shell Models (5 ECTS)

MEC-E8002 - Continuum Mechanics and Material Modelling (5 ECTS)

Please note! It is compulsory for students at Aalto to enroll in foreign language studies. 

The course workload is equal to 3 ECTS and must be taken alongside your Nordic Master studies. Read more about the requirement here 


Year 2: NTNU/UNIS, including Master's Thesis

Select one of the options below


Option 1 UNIS – Collection and analysis of data

Semester 1


AT-334 – Arctic Measurements Technique, operations and transport (4 weeks August – early Sept) (10 ECTS)



TBM4501  Civil and Environmental Engineering, Specialization Project (15 ECTS)

AT-332  Physical Environmental Loads on Arctic Coastal and Offshore Structures (10 ECTS)

AT-327 – Arctic Offshore Engineering (10 ECTS)

AS-303  Emergency Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (10 ECTS)

AS-304  The Risk, Technology and Human Performance in Arctic Operations (10 ECTS)


Semester 2


TBM4900 – Master's Thesis in Civil and Environmental Engineering (30 ECTS), at UNIS




Option 2 NTNU (UNIS) – Fixed and floating structures

Semester 1


AT-334 Arctic Measurements Technique, operations and transport - at UNIS (4 weeks August – early Sept) (10 ECTS)

TBA4260- Ice Actions on Arctic Structures (7,5 ECTS)

TBM4500- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Specialization Project (7,5 ECTS)




TBA4145 – Port and Coastal facilities (7,5 ECTS)

TKT4108  Structural Dynamics 2 – (7,5 ECTS)

TKT4192 – Finite Element Methods in Structural Engineering (7,5 ECTS)

TKT4197  Non-Linear Finite Element analysis (7.5 ECTS)


Semester 2


TBM4900 – Master's thesis in Civil and Environmental Engineering (30 ECTS)




Option 3 NTNU (UNIS) – Arctic marine systems

Semester 1


AT-334 – Arctic Measurements Technique, operations and transport - at UNIS (4 weeks August – early Sept) (10 ECTS)

TMR4560  Marine systems design SP (7,5 ECTS)

TMR4565  Marine systems design SC (7,5 ECTS)




TMR4130  Risk Analysis and Safety Management of Marine Systems (7,5 ECTS) 

TMR4215  Sea Loads (7,5 ECTS)

TMR4115  Design Methods (7,5 ECTS)

TBA4145 – Port and Coastal facilities (7,5 ECTS)


Semester 2


TMR4930 – Marine Technology, Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)



Option 2: Start at NTNU


Semester 1



TBA4265 Arctic and Marine Civil Engineering (7,5 ECTS)

TBA4260 Ice actions on Arctic structures (7,5 ECTS)


TBA4275 Dynamic response of irregular loadings (7,5 ECTS)

TBA4145 Port and Coastal facilities (7,5 ECTS)

TMR4190 Finite Element method in structural analysis (7.5 ECTS)*

Semester 2



AT-305 Frozen ground engineering (10 ECTS)

AT-311 Ice mechanics, loads on structures and instrumentation (10 ETCS)

AT-319 Arctic shipping (10 ETCS)



*One course with FEM is mandatory, but can be chosen the second year at Aalto

Year 2: Aalto, including Master's Thesis

Note: 25 ECTS in the autumn and 35 ECTS in the spring

Semester 1

Semester 2

Mandatory courses:

MEC-E4004 - Model Scale Testing in Ice (5 ECTS)

MEC-E2009 - Marine Risks and Safety (5 ECTS)

MEC-E1020 - Fluid Dynamics (5 ECTS)

Plus 2 elective courses from below:

MEC-E1030 - Random Loads & Processes  (5 ECTS) - cannot  be chosen if the student has taken TBA4275 at NTNU

MEC-E4003 - Ice Mechanics (5 ECTS) - cannot  be chosen if  the student has taken AT-211 at UNIS

MEC-E1010 - Dynamics of Rigid Body (5 ECTS)

MEC-E2001 - Ship Hydrodynamics (5 ECTS)

Master's Thesis:

Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)



The most up to date version of this curriculum can be found on each university's own website.

More information about courses at Aalto University

More information about courses at UNIS

More information about courses at NTNU

Additionally, there is a 3 ECTS language requirement for achieving the Aalto degree.
27 JULY 2024